7) A description of how your project benefits or fulfills needs of the community (or communities) that receive it (i.e., "meaning")

The main need of the TMRC is awareness and recognition from the general MIT community. The open house in conjunction with this installation will give maximum exposure to the MIT community and others.
The track is meant to be taken: a reminder of the existence of the group, a souvenir, not only from the club, but from MIT as well.
Its documentation could be used by the club to further their needs beyond the day of the open house.
The tracks running from N52 to building 7 reflect the ties of the railroad club to MIT. At the same time, it expresses what the club means to its members: a reminder of distant places, a departure point, a journey, a destination.
Particularly interesting is the overlapping of the miniature tracks and the real railroad tracks, midway in the route of the layout: object, object representation, and conceptual layering behind this relationship.

8) A description of how community support might be engaged in order to facilitate the project

The TMRC is a special interest group at MIT that could benefit from our work of creating a symbolic object to conjure interest in the club.

9) A list of possible institutions or groups to approach for involvement

The Tech Model Railroad Club.

10) A description of a public relations plan (i.e., how to make the project known)

Since the project will be very visible to the public walking along Massachusetts Avenue we will not need additional public relations plans.

11) A description of how the group plans to delegate the tasks amongst itself

Research, interviews, and labor have been and will be distributed amongst the two members of the group equally.