3) Diagrams of how and where a report on the final project might be presented and demonstrated visually in a public "display"

4) A description of the production methods to be used to produce the object

Each piece of track could be easily assembled. The written message should be engraved as shown in the diagram. Engraving, as opposed to painting or adhesive lettering, would assure the permanence of the message on the object.
Realism and object permanence, as well as object presence are important. The track should be formally, an accurate replica of railroad track, metal and wood.

5) A description of how the budget will be spent

The track could be purchased from a specialty store, but the assembly of each piece would facilitate the labeling process and lower the costs considerably.

6) A description of what "community" (or communities) you are addressing with your proposed project

The TMRC is a MIT student activity over 50 years old! The group caters to model railroaders, railfans, and hackers alike. Their activities involved all aspects of model railroading including the applications of computer technology and timetable passenger and card-order freight operations. For 50 years, the club had a layout located in Building 20 on the MIT campus. The layout modeled a portion of the Tech Nickel Plate (TNP) railroad. A fair amount of info about the club, oriented towards other model railroaders, appeared as the cover article in the July 1986 Railroad Model Craftsman, we have the original source text on line. Today the club has a new room in N52-118 and is working hard to build a new layout of the same quality as that which used to be in Building 20. We expect to take approximately 5 years to end up with something similar to the old layout. After 15 years, approximately, we will be able to say we have something that truly reinstates the 50 years of history from Building 20.