IAEW Badges

What do these things mean?

If you were linked here from one of the following images, it may mean they are a member of IAEW, and you should check the members page if you are interested in contacting them about using content their site may have created.

(Note that these are only samples of the colors of badges that may be used. Varying sites are allowed to have different colored badges, as long as they imagemap is the same and it links to this page.)

Abide by the laws of the badge.

If Any document hosted on a server, available via the internet/world wide web, that visibly contains one of the above badges, (Or any readable color variation.) which links to this webpage, and is listed on the IAEW official members page, then the content hosted may not be placed on any other webserver, without proper permission from the creator or owner of the content in question.

If and when one breaches these laws, the organization of IAEW, and/or the victimized webserver or document, reserves the right to take immediate legal action against the breacher, unless the questionable content is removed within 48 hours after being contacted by IAEW, or the creator or owner of the content, webserver, or document.

In English Please?

You are not allowed to take something from any site with this badge, unless you contact the creator or owner first. If you do not contact them, you will be punished unless the content is removed from your site within 48 hours.

Interested in having a badge on your own site?

If you are, go to the members page, and follow the instructions.


  • ebaumsworldsucks.com
  • creative commons