Bird Monster Sadie 1.Draw a triangle with the point side up at the bottom of the paper, fill it in red. 2. Draw a two inch tall rectangle covering the top point of the triangle, fill it in with red. 3. Draw a square that is slightly wider than the rectangle sitting on top of the rectangle. 4. Draw a line going from the top to bottom in the middle of the square. 5. Draw a thick yellow line going from side to side across the top of the square like a hat. 6. Draw another yellow line in the middle of the last yellow line pointing up. 7. In the right side of the square, fill it in with light green. 8. In the left side of the square, fill it in with purple 9. At the top of the rectangle, draw a blue oval sticking straight out on each side for arms. 10. Draw a small yellow square in each side of the big square for eyes.