Lazzy Mumzzy Alexandra & Christian Have you ever met Lazzy Mumzzy? She lives in a cave in El Salvador. Lazzy Mumzzy is 8 feet tall. She takes care of a baby she loves. The baby is an oval shape and stays in its mom's pouch. The baby looks like her mamma and is small. Lazzy Mumzzy has a teddy bear shaped body. The round body is shaped like an oval. Her body is all brown. It has a purple tummy in the middle with a pouch. The baby is in the nice warm pouch. The mom's head has 2 red horns and 2 pointy red ears on the side. The eyes are blue and her nose is like a small pig's nose. The nose is blue too. The mouth is a red rectangle with lines on it. Lazzy Mumzzy's arms are going up with four pointy claws. She also has green slimy feet that are goopy gloopy. She weighs 50 pounds. She is very friendly and nice, but if you touch her baby she will let out a loud scream. She looks like she might be yelling in the picture. She is mad because someone tried to feed her baby and she's growling at him or her! If you go to El Salvador and come in a cave she will be really mad! So watch out!