Marshmallow Nihitha Marshmallow The Wacky Dancing Monster Marshmallow The Wacky Dancing Monster is a girl and only eats Marshmallows, Twix, Milkyways, and Musketeers. And no she does not EAT PEOPLE. And obviously, she likes to dance! She thinks it's good but it's really wacky.( don't tell her I said that 'cause then she'll eat me.)(Oh yeah I forgot, she eats people only when she gets mad.)Plus her favorite TV show is vicTORIous. How to draw Marshmallow : First on top of the paper write Marshmallow the Wacky Dancing Monster. Then draw a shape of a peanut as the head. Now draw a smile about at the middle of the shape. Then draw a upside down Triangle above the smile for the nose. Now draw 2 lines popping out of the right side and 2 popping out on the left side. They should be popping out kind of like antennas. Connecting to the line draw a circle on each. Then draw another circle inside each of the circles. These are the eyes. You are now done with the head. For the body draw a big oval connecting to the bottom of the head with the bottom side of the oval pointy. The body will look like an almond but with the top side blunt. Then divide the shape into 6 parts. At the bottom draw two rectangles connecting to the oval. Connect a circle to the rectangle. Draw upside down triangle to the circle, these will be the toes. Do the same thing for the arms. The arms would be the outside of the body, to the sides of the oval. Coloring my monster: First color the inside circle of the eye black for all of them. Then the outside part of the left side is aqua on the eye that is in and red on the eye that is out. On the right side the eye that's in color the outside layer blue and the one that is out color it red. Then color the nose purple really dark. And for peanut shape take a sky blue color pencil and color very lightly. For the body on the first part color aqua, second pink, third yellow-green, forth sky blue, fifth green and sixth purple. Color the rectangles red, the circles green and the triangles black. You are now officially done drawing Marshmallow.