Kermet Rachel My monster's name is Kermet. He enjoys all sports, but he can't quite do them all. The only thing active Kermet can do is soccer because he has no arms or hands. Kermet is known for soccer skills all around Saturn, his home planet. Did you know that the fourth and sixth rings are the pro soccer fields? When Kermet's not playing soccer, he's laying around watching TV or stuffing something down his mouth. Some of his favorite TV shows are Death Moms, Monsters in Tiaras, Chopped and 1,000 Ways to Die. Kermet's not that picky about food, he'll eat anything that doesn't involve cooking or chopping up. For example, apples, grapes, pears, and lots of junk food he buys at his local grocery store. Kermet may look like he has 4 eyes, but he only has one. The three things on top of his head are really mouths. That's how he eats. Here's how to draw my monster: Near the top of you page, draw a smallish egg shape that is 2 ' cm. top to bottom and around 2cm. wide. At the bottom of your first egg shape make another one the same exact size overlapping a little. At the bottom of your second egg shape, draw a third egg shape under it overlapping a little. Under your third egg shape, draw another egg shape , but this time the egg shape is 4 cm wide (like a head). Below the largest egg shape overlapping a little, draw an oval that is 4 ' cm top to bottom and 2 ' cm wide. Below the oval you drew, draw two rectangles touching each other that are each ' cm wide and 2 ' cm top to bottom. The rectangle short sides should be facing up when you draw them. At the bottom of each rectangle, draw a mm wide shape that looks like shoes. Now look back to the top of your page to the small egg shapes. Inside each small egg shape draw a 1 cm wide 1 ' cm top to bottom egg shape to make it look like an eye. After that draw another egg shape inside each of the eyes so it looks like a pupil. In the center of the biggest egg shape (which is meant to look like a head) draw another egg shape that is 2 ' cm wide and 1cm top to bottom (it is meant to look like an eye). Inside the egg shape you just drew, draw a 1cm wide and 1cm top to bottom egg shape that's meant to look a pupil. Right above the eye you drew on the largest egg shape (meant to look like a head) draw a unibrow over the eye that's around 3cm. In the middle of the oval shape under the head draw a 2cm line, starting at the left side of the circle ending at the right (cut it in half). At the bottom half of the oval you just cut in half, draw a ' cm wide square on each side at the top. Then, in the middle of each square, draw a straight line that's horizontal. With a dark green colored pencil, lightly color the three small egg shapes, but do not color the circles inside them (that are meant to look like eye). Then color over the green with a light green colored pencil. After that, color all of the pupils black. You also need to color the unibrow black too. Under the largest egg shape (which is meant to be a head) color the top of the oval dark blue (which is meant to be a shirt). In the same spot you colored dark blue color over it in the light blue. At the bottom half of the oval (which is meant to look like pants) color it black but don't color the pockets black (which are the squares). Also color the 2 rectangles black. Color the squares at the top half of the oval dark blue (the same one you used for the shirt). Also color the shoes dark blue. Now you have your monster!