Inferno Michael K My monster is inferno monster. He has two brown burnt feet he has two menacing red eyes and a mouth that's cherry red. The shape of his body is pointy explosion. He is dark brown his teeth are red shark teeth. His eye brows are very very red and he can shoot fire out of all his body parts. He comes from the sun he got hit with an asteroid and floated to earth. He starts every fire in the world. He lives in my fire place. When he lived on the hot sun he was very lonely up there the inferno monster had no friends not even a rock but one day an asteroid hit him and floated burning up finally he hit the ground. When you go to my fire place you'll see that the metal fence that closes the entrance to the fire place is very burnt if you see the fence you won't want to run into him. He is very dangerous more dangerous than Godzilla. When he was a human it was 1821 when he went to space a meteor hit them and they flew out and were lost forever. If he see's you he'll get you. That's my monster.