The Creepy Alien Alex He lives in the Bahamas. He eats babies from mars. His name is Harry. He has 9 eyes that look creepy, he has 10 legs, and he also has 5 mouths with sharp teeth. He has 4 wings and 9 spikes on his back. Harry is covered in black hair he is vary fat, smells bad, has no friends; he has brown and exes. A super long tong that is purple with a red line in it. He is all scaly with some hair on his head. Once there was an alien he lives in a cave in the Bahamas, he had a friend that was coming over to his house that day, so Jerry the mean alien had to go to the store he didn't find a baby that cried a lot so he had to go find some himself, when he got back to his house his friend said that I don't like crying baby at all so he went out again and got some babies that didn't cry, then he ate his crying Martian baby by himself, and his friend ate his Martian babies that didn't cry. Then he got in to his UFO and drove off when his friend got in to a flaming fire ball. Then out of nowhere the giant UFO caught on fire so his other friend seen him so that friend got in to an ice cold water UFO and shot the fire right out with a water browning and saved the alien, so he found some more crying babies but the babies out smarted that alien. THE END!!!!!