Go Go Avery Avery's Monster This is a GOOG monster. It has a ghost shape. At the top is 10 tiny hairs that are bluish-greenish on his head. Go about 1 inch down from the head hairs there are 3 eyeballs. The middle one is the biggest one. The 2 other eyeballs are on the sides but you can still see them. The middle eyeball has 3 plain eyelashes. The 2 others have 2 plain eyelashes and the one on the outside is a long curly eyelash with a little orange ball at the end. Go 1 more inch down to a strange looking nose. It has a flat bottom. It looks like an old-fashioned pink telephone. Then go down a little to a biiiiiigggggg smiling mouth!!! The mouth is big with 6 toes for teeth on the top and 6 on the bottom. Yeah, that's crazy-right-toes for teeth!!! The top row of teeth is the blue, the bottom row is pink. There are 2 toe rings on the top row. The one on the far right has a sapphire jewel but it is smaller than the one on the third toe. This toe has a ruby jewel. It is big, about the size of a pea. Then go 2 inches down to the bottom. There are three upside down candle-like things. These are the legs. They are jets. The wax part is pink. About ' inch down, there is a red stripe and then a yellow strip. The flame has black curly smoke coming down out of the bottom. It has big blue pointy wings on each side. The monster is as big as the paper and the monster is purple.