Mr. Whiskers Mela Hello my name is Mr. Whiskers. I am a cat and my favorite place is the pet store. I am very nice but if you send me to go to the corner (because I know what that means) my claws will come out and I do not want to hurt you. My home is a turbo cat nip bag and my car (this cat somehow got a license) is my litter box/flying car of the future. I am addicted to licking my paws. 1. First draw a medium sized circle in the center of the page for a head. 2. Next draw a octagon under the circle to make the body. 3. For arms draw a kite on each side of the body [one per side] 4. For legs on the base draw two skinny rhombuses. 5. And for feet draw two circles on each foot [two per foot]. 6. Then add three circles on the bottom of the feet. 7. For the eyes draw two small circles. 8. For the mouth draw two small ovals with fangs. 9. Then draw a small circle for the nose. 10. Draw two small triangles for ears. 11. Now add three skinny lines for whiskers on his face [three per side]. 12. Color the inside of the mouth red. 13. Color the three wheels on his feet black. 14. Color the body, or the tummy, orange. 15. On the tummy draw a striped tie (blue and green stripes). 16. Now you made Mr. Whiskers By Mela