Travis Chante Hi my name is Travis. I am a trapezoid. I am very smart. I know a lot. I get straight A's in school and I'm in 4th grade. I have a lot of friends because I am very nice and am very helpful to other people. I go to a really weird school with a lot of weird people. 1. Draw a big trapezoid in the middle of the paper with the small side on top. The trapezoid is the face. 2. Draw one big eye in the center of the face. 3. Draw two red circles (one on each side of the eye). 4. Put two triangular legs on the bottom of my bottom. 5. It has wheels on the bottom of my triangular legs. 6. Put one big eyebrow above my eye. 7. Put a rhombus shaped hat on top of my head. 8. Put triangular ears on top of my head next to my hat. 9. Put an outline exactly around the eye. 10. Give shaped arms on the side of my monster . By Chante