Liam Liam 1. Draw a tall circle. 2. Draw a tall rectangle on the top of the pumpkin for a stem. 3. Draw a big triangle on the right side of the stem for a leaf. 4. Draw 2 medium circles near the top of the face for eyes. 5. Draw a trapezoid in the middle of the face for a nose. 6. Draw 8 tiny triangles hanging of the trapezoid for teeth. Color them black. 7. Leave a space. Draw an upside down trapezoid under the teeth. Add 10 tiny triangles pointing up on the trapezoid. Color the teeth black. 8. Starting at the trapezoid mouth, draw lines with a straight edge going out diagonally to the edges of the pumpkin. Draw about 20 of them. 9. Draw a big triangle on top of the highest trapezoid for the nose. 10. Make a square to the left of the mouth. 11. Color the stem brown. Color the leaf triangle green. Color the pumpkin black. Color a square on the left of the mouth red. Color the mouth green. Color half of the circle eyeball yellow and the other half orange on both eyes. 12. Draw black smoke coming out of the mouth. 13. Draw a speech bubble coming out on the left side saying 'Boo!!'