One Eyed Rainbow Monster Scallywag Step 1: Draw a circle. Draw another big circle in the middle of the first circle. Step 2: At the bottom of the first circle draw an upside down triangle for a tail. Step 3: In the second circle you've drawn keep making circles in the middle biggest to smallest. At the smallest circle colour it purple. Step 4: Make a tail facing up on both sides make a green line on the top of the tails for lilly pads. Draw white closed flowers. Step 5: Make tow black lines for a leg. Draw rectangled feet with four toes. Step 6: Draw another leg that looks egg sack like tho other one. Put another tail attached to the top of the head that's pointing up. That's the egg sack same as the other two. Step 7: Draw arms that are blue on both sides. One arm is holding a bat that is grew with a black handle. Colour the upside down triangle green. Colour the biggest circle blue.