Christmas Tree Man Ajay 1. First draw a circular face using scarlet color on the right half circle and blue on left half of the circular face. 2.On the blue half of the face, draw a blue eye (a big blue dot) and on the scarlet side draw a scarlet eye. 3.Draw a smile in the face, which is blue on the blue side and scarlet on the scarlet side. 4.Draw about twenty spikes (<<<>>>) around the face so that it looks like a sun. 5.For the body, draw two big blue spikes (>>) like a Christmas tree on the scarlet side of the face. Draw two big scarlet spikes (<<) like a Christmas tree on the blue side of the face. Put 12 green circles in the body. 6.Connect the bottom of the body (spikes) with a green V shaped spike. 7.Draw an A shaped figure under the V shaped spike using blue on the right side and scarlet on the left side of A shape for feet. Put small blue spikes on blue side of A and scarlet spikes on scarlet side of A. 8.Draw two orange arms that are like baseball bats facing upwards. Color in the arms with orange. 9.Draw three blue spikes on each arm that is facing upwards.