Freckle Jacqueline My monster's name is Freckle. Your supplies: 1. Scarlet Crayon 2. Orange Crayon 3. Outer Space Crayon(otherwise black or blue if you do not have it) 4. Fuzzy Wuzzy Crayon(if you do not have it please use red or light brown) This is how you make her. 1. Take out your Scarlet and draw a circle head, one pair of eyes and a smiley face with her tongue sticking out. 2. Take out your Orange and make a turtle neck(long sleeved shirt that covers a person's neck) attached to the head 3. Take out your Scarlet again and draw three fingered hands on both sides of the shirt. 4. Take out your Outer Space and draw short hair on Freckle's head, draw long pants attached to the shirt and a long, narrow wand in her hand. 5. Take out your Fuzzy Wuzzy and draw long boots attached to her pants and two spikes on the outside of each leg That is how you make Freckle.