Robotic Box Aren HOW TO MAKE ROBOTIC BOX! 1. Draw a rectangle standing up. 2. Draw two squares on inside each side of the rectangle for eyes. 3. Draw two pairs of 15 squares in a position that looks like a smile on the bottom inside of the rectangle. 4. For the top mouth make a pattern green, red, green, and so on. 5. Do the same thing for the bottom mouth but do it red, green, red, and so on. 6. Color one eye red and the other one green. 7. Draw four skinny rectangles, one for each arm and leg. 8. Draw four little wires for each arm and leg. 9. Draw four little rectangles for each arm and leg and connect them to the wires. 10. Color the big rectangle cerulean. 11. Color the arms and legs cerulean but not the wires. 12. Color three wires red and one wire green for all of the wires. GOOD LUCK!!!!!