Medusa's Husband Cody My monster has one eye on the middle of his face. There is a frown on his face but his mouth is opened up wide. Medusa's Husband has two teeth on the bottom of his mouth and one on the top but his teeth are not sharp! He also has green scaled skin that look like a wavy sea all over his body and he also has a mermaid tail like ariel from the Disney movie The Little Mermaid. He has six hissing snakes sticking out of his head and two earrings on his ears with eyeballs on them so when they jiggle around he can see anywhere around him. He also has a red mowhawk but slightly light green and he has two fish eyes springing right out of his head but instead of black dots inside there are swirls for hypnotizing. My monster also has a black leash in his left claw with three sharp nails. On the end of that leash is a dog. His name is devil dog. He has red fur all over his body and he has no tail. He has two heads on both sides of his body. He also has a mad grin on his face and a black collar on his neck. He also has eight legs, two pointy ears, a black nose and a mad looking mouth.