Monster Buck Sophia and Kara Monster Buck like to eat presents in Santa's sleigh because he gets so hungry. Monster Buck's head is round with two antlers. A small triangle is between the antlers. Once you have that done, then put a red nose in the middle of his head. Then make two black eyes with a circle around each one of them. Now make a circle with three pointy teeth two on top and one on the bottom. Put a lightning bolt between his eyes. Monster Buck's body is an oval shape with two arms on each side with hooves. Then you can make two legs with hooves and a short foxtail with a crooked line through it. To color Monster Buck you need these colors: brown, red, green, black, orange, and purple. You need to make his antlers brown. His horn is green. Monster Buck's eyes are black and his nose is red. Color his lightning bolt purple, and his head, body, and arms are brown. Last, color his hooves black and his tail half brown and half orange. That's how you make Monster Buck!