Pumpkininia Todd He is called Pumpkanina because he looks a little like a pumpkin. The main shape of Pumpkanian is an long orange oval about the size of an 9 year old hand. On the top of him at each end he has 2 green steams both at the far ends. They are each about an inch long. On the right and left side he has long purple arms the size on an new pencil. He has tanish hands like ours only he has 3 fingers and no thumb. On the underside of him he has 2 black legs about 2 inches away from each other.They are the exact same as his arms (only different color). His mouth is placed where ours would be put (toward the bottom-middle of his face) where ours. His yellow eyes are triangles where ours are (toward the top of his face on each side). He has grain marks just like a pumpkin and is. That is what my pumpkin looks like.