The Rock Bottom Steven and Ted First, make three big eyes all of them 2cm apart. Next, make 3 necks from all 3 eyes and connect the necks to an oval 2cm 2mm length. Next, make a vertical rectangle with 1 arm on 1 side and have his elbow slightly bent down and do the same on the other side of his body. Next, make 4 legs 1 wavy on the far right and draw another exactly the same for the far left. Next, make 2 more legs coming from the middle waist. In the oval make 4 teeth on the top of the oval and on the bottom draw 4 more. (COLORING STARTS HERE). Color the top 4 teeth green and the bottom 4 purple. The eye is yellow besides the pupils. The pupils of his eyes are green and he has thick eye brows on top of the eyes. On the far right he has a red neck the middle neck is green. On his left neck color it purple, his left arm is red, and his hands are white. The left shoulder is purple and his other is red. The right side of his shirt is purple. The left side is red and he has four buttons in the middle of his shirt. He has a small pocket and 2 pencils. Color the far right leg purple. Color the right middle leg blue. Color the left middle red. Color the far left leg purple. You have just made "THE ROCKBOTTOM".