Poofy The Three-Eyed Ocean Monster Gabe This monster is 23 cm. tall and 14 cm. wide. Its head is a wavy oval that's 7 cm. tall and 4 cm. wide. It has two thighs coming out at 45 degree angles from the bottom of his head. The thighs are 5 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide. The lower legs come out strait down from the thighs and are harry. The legs are 9 cm. long and 1 cm. wide. Its feet are 1 cm. in Diameter (edge to edge) and they're spheres. Its ears are shaped like bananas with spheres on the ends and are located on the middle of the sides of the head. Both spheres are attached to the head. The ears are 3.5 cm. long and 1 cm. wide. The spheres on the end of the ears are 1 cm. in diameter. There are two eyes are hanging from tubes attached to its ears. The tubes are 2 lines and are 5 cm. long and are .75 cm. wide The other eye is attached to a tube that attaches to the top of the head. The eyes are 1.25 cm. in diameter. It has three cylinder noses in the middle of his head. Its mouth is shaped like a horseshoe and is at the bottom of the inside of the head. Color the eyes not tubes and body blue. Color the tubes, ears, and noses yellow. Color the thighs green. Color the legs orange. Color the mouth red. Fill the feet in with pencil. My monster is outlined orange. My monster is standing on blue waves.