Froggy Four Eyes Jessica His head is a big sideways oval about 15 centimeters wide. Color his head dark green. On top of his head is four half circles. The half circles have 1 more half circle inside each of them. The outside half circle is light green and inside half circle is black. Color them solid. Each eye has 4 blue eyelashes and his nose is a round circle and is red and in the middle of his head. Put his smile under the nose. His smile is black. His body is a light purple rectangle smaller then the head, but not really really small. Put his body right under his head. In the middle of his BODY a yellow star. His arms are about 1 ' centimeters long with little red balls at the end for hands. He has 2 arms. His legs look like L's. One of them is facing like a normal L would face, and the other one is facing the opposite way. His legs are black.