F. Fluff Andrew F. Fluff is an ornery monster! He enjoys cracking jokes and being a smart alec. F. Fluff 's best friends are H. Bob and Lava. They like to hang out at the pizza parlor. There they order 5 king size pizzas that have all toppings!!! F. fluff's body is made out of a squiggly oval. His ears are the size of a closed fist. They are pink and each have a white circle inside. Inside those white circles there is a yellow star. On the top of his head he has 17 tiny hairs. The middle hair is longer and it curls into a spiral. His arms are black thin lines that have three little lines on the end. On the end of each of the 3 little lines there is a black dot. His legs are small lines that have big long brown feet. His eyes are thumb nail size white circles with thin pink horizontal ovals which the black pupil goes in. F. Fluff eyebrows slant inward toward the nose. His nose is a half circle with two nostrils inside. His mouth is open. He has 12 little teeth on his top lip and ten on his bottom lip. He also has two large fangs that come out of his top lip. F. Fluff can be a great friend' That is if you have a good sense of humor.