Mr. Boo Marissa Mr. Boo is pretty interesting. He likes to joke around and make up silly things. He is nothing like the other monsters, no not at all. He likes to play with balls. But you don't want to play with him because you might end up in his stomach. If you bring a ball to play with him he might pop it. He lives underground and loves to dig, it's his favorite thing to do. If you have a digging contest I'm sure he'll win. Underground, where he lives, he likes to dig a lot. He made a lot of new tunnels. Last week he made ten new tunnels. Mr. Boo is five years old and is very smart for his age. He also is pretty friendly I'd say. He lives in New Jersey. Like I told you, he LOVES TO DIG, which is a problem in New Jersey because houses have been destroyed by Mr. Boo. First draw a big oval in the middle of your page then near the top of the oval, draw a smaller oval inside. Inside that oval draw and even smaller oval. When you're done with that draw an upside down triangle like part at the bottom of the big oval, but make the triangle at the top on the bottom flat. Then near the middle of the big oval but a little lower, draw a long thin rectangle sideways. Then draw a two-inch long fat curved line at the top of the big oval. Color the big oval orange and the second biggest oval you drew, color it yellow, then the oval inside that oval, color it forest green. Then the two-inch long thing and the triangle like thing, color it dark blue. Then there is only on thing left to color and color it red. That's how to draw Mr. Boo.