Devil Egg Amber . My monster has a yellow body shaped like an egg. It is oval. He is out lined in red. The top third of the eggshell is white. The bottom two thirds of the shell is yellow. The monster's body is also the head. On top of the body he has four blue triangular spikes with red horizontal streaks for hair and two red triangular horns. The white top of the eggshell is streaked with pink, red, blue, and a dark pink, swirls. The swirls cover the top of his eyes. The two round eyes are blue with black circle pupils in the center of each eye. The eyes are on the yellow portion of the body, but some of the streaks of the top portion cover the very top of his eyes. His mouth is open and jagged and yellow. The mouth is outlined in red. He doesn't have a nose. He also doesn't have ears. His mouth is in the normal spot below the eyes. His arms are fat and red and there is one on each side. They attach at the same level as the eyes. Under his left arm there is a small orange circle. It is his beak. His two legs are small and red. His right leg has a blue out line. He is small and plump.