Super Monster Nic T 1. Draw an oval shape that's about 12cm long and 5 'cm wide for the body. 2. Draw a green triangle that's about 1 ' cm from the top of body and its length is 2 ' cm down and 2 ' cm wide at the top of the triangle. 3. Inside the triangle is a big red s that just about fills up the whole triangle. 4. On the body at the top colour light blue for one centimetre then the rest of it black. 5. Draw and colour a black neck that's about 1cm long and half a centimetre wide. 6. Draw an oval that's 5 ' cm long and 3' cm wide. 7. Draw two black horns that are 2 ' cm wide 3cm long and make shore they get smaller as you get to the top. 8. Draw two tilted triangles that are blue for the eyes. 9. Draw a black mask over his eyes and make shore you can still see the eyes. 10. Draw an oval about 1 ' cm long and half a Centimetre wide make shore that the top of the Nose touches the mask. 11. for his mouth draw an oval 1cm long and 1 ' cm wide and half a centimetre from his nose. 12. He has three teeth on the top of his mouth and ONE TOOTHON THE BOTTOM of his mouth 13. The teeth are blue an the rest of the mouth Black 14. He has two yellow shoulder pads. the right Shoulder pad is 3' cm wide and 1 ' cm long. The left Shoulder pad is 2cm long and 6cm wide. 15. He has a cape that is as long as his body and at the Top it is the same as the body but as it gets further The cape gets wider. 16. He has 6 arms. They are all 5' cm long and 1cm wide. The top arms are black with a 3 prong fork at the End of the arms. The middle arms are orange with Hands at the end of the arms. The arms at the bottom are brown with twelve curled talons. 17. HIS LEGS ARE BLUE and they are 7cm long and about 1cm wide. His feet are like spiders except they have 9 black Legs and 4 grey ones.