Squwiggl Laura HEAD: Seven dark blue circles, diameter 2cm, placed two on top, three in the middle and two on the bottom. FACE: EYES: In each of the top two circles put a light blue 1cm circle, coloured in yellow. NOSE: A light blue 1.2cm circle in the middle circle of the middle row, with two light blue dots in the middle. CHEEKS: In each outer circle in the middle row put a light blue, 1cm circle, coloured light blue. MOUTH: A yellow line 3cm long through the two bottom circles. TEETH: Upside-down triangles, two in each circle, 1cm long, 2cm wide, light blue. BODY: A green trapezoid, 3 cm at the top, the (monster's) left side is 9.3 cm, right side 7.2 cm, bottom 10cm. Inside it is red 1cm from the edge. Inside that there are dark blue swirls, next purple squiggly lines in between and around the swirls. A light blue squiggly trapezoid coloured orange fills the remainder. LEGS: The (monster's) left leg is 9cm long, 1cm wide, drawn with yellow. Yellow horizontal lines divide the leg into six rectangles, most being 1cm long. There are two larger rectangles, the fourth and the sixth, at 1.5cm long. Inside each of the yellow rectangles of the leg are pink rectangles. Colour the rectangles further as follows. Top one is a dark blue rectangle, coloured in light blue. Second and fourth are coloured dark blue. Third and fifth are coloured light blue. Bottom is light blue rectangle coloured in dark blue. The right leg is in yellow and is 9.5cm long, 1 cm wide, divided into 6 parts about 1 cm long, each coloured pink. FEET: The (monster's) left foot is a yellow circle, 3cm in diameter. It is decorated with six dark blue horizontal lines and five light blue vertical lines. The right foot a 3cm diameter yellow circle, decorated with seven light blue horizontal lines and eight dark blue vertical lines. ARMS: On each side of the body are four fat, yellow, squiggly lines. The top arm on the (monster's) left is 2cm long, second is 2.5 cm, third is 4 cm and fourth is 4.5 cm. The first arm on the right is 1cm long, second is 3cm, third is 5cm and fourth is 7cm. HANDS: The diameter of each hand is 8mm. On the (monster's) left the first and third hands are light blue, second and fourth are dark blue. On the right the first and third are dark blue and the second and fourth are light blue.