Sassy Sabrina Becky To make my monster you need to first draw a circle with oval eyes in the center of the head. (Black) Next, you add a smile under the eyes. (Black) Then you add dots around the eyes and the smile and everywhere else inside the head. (Black) Last, for the head add two strips of thick red blood on the head. Now, the body is a peanut shape. Next, take a little off the bottom of the body. Then, you cut the body in half with a line and color the middle green! Next, make two arms coming from the upper half (on both sides). The hands and arms are green. For your green hands, you have one finger and thumb. Next, you make baggy pants like Kim Possible and blue shoes; big FAT shoes under the pants fill in the top half of the body red (for the shirt). Make a flame, orange, tail starting at the bottom of the body to the right above the arms