Frizzy Hair Jasmine My monster's head is blue and is in the shape of a square.You should put my head above my body set as a trapazoid on the tip-top side.My body is yellow, and has a trapezoid. My trapezoid should touch the bottom of my square set for a head.Make sure my body is not going up and down. My arms are in the shape as a triangle,and they are pink. My arms are connected to each sides of my trapezoid set for a body. My hands are in the shape as a rectangle, and is in the color blue. My hands go up and down not across.My hands will connect to my arms that connect to my body.Make sure you put one of the sides on the top of my rectangle. My legs are in the shape of tiny trapezoids that are the color of purple. My legs connect to the bottom my big trapezoids. My feet are the shape circles my feet are the color of green.My feet connects to my legs.My mouth is in the shape of a pair of constrice circles that is the color green.My eyes are red and is in the shape of hearts that is above my mouth. My hair is red and zig-zag my hair is all over my head.