ICU Peter Hello, my name is Peter, and I have a question for you! Do you know what is brown, has 14 eyes, and is 5 inches tall? My monster does! His name is ICU and he is a brown monster that has the shape of a human. He has 14 symmetrically (for your information, if you don't know, symmetrically means if you drew one on one side, you would draw one on the other side, too) placed white eyes all around his body. He has an arm in place of his head, and two others at the bottom of his neck, each one 1' inch long and a ' inch wide. ICU has 4 sharp-clawed fingers on each hand. He is 51/2 inches tall and 2 ' inches wide He is holding atomic fire blasters, 1-inch long rifles with fire on the tips, one in each of his lower arms. I guess you can answer my question now (and draw my monster).