Shapey Beth, Desirae & Meghan Shapey The name of our monster is Shapey. His head is the size of an orange. The hair is spiked but red and blue. The ears are orange and blue. On top of them are antenna. They are the colors of the ears. The blue antenna goes on the blue ear, and the orange antenna goes on the orange ear. The eyes are small magenta circles. The nose is orange and square. The mouth is the bottom of a circle and has a tongue sticking out. It is magenta too. The head is blue-green. The body is attached with no neck. The body is a blue-green rectangle. There is a gray rectangle in the middle of the body. It has two arms under the wings. There are two red striped wings attached to the top corners of the body. It has two arms under the wings. On the right side there is a spiked red tail with blue stripes. The legs are brown with purple, orange and blue roller blades as feet.