Chupacobra Jesse My monster's name is Chupacobra. He has an ovel shaped head with three spikes on top, each one smaller than the one before. The head and spikes are yellow-green and the spikes are outlined in red. His eyes are black, oval, large and shiny. His nose is shaped like a triangle and is small and black in the middle of his face. His mouth is a thin, black line going across with 4 fangs sticking out. His body is a larger oval.colored yellow green with dark green and light green stripes going all across his belly. His wings are like bat wings, but they are green. His tail is yellow and full of black spikes with one big spike at the tip He has no arems. He has a snake that follow him on his side. The snake is a green cobra. Chupacobra has tan human legs, but the knees face backwards. He is a wild animal somewhat related to a dragon. That is Chupacobra.