Sun Sanah My dragon's body, neck, head, tail, and legs are all facing west. It has spikes facing east on the entire body. It has a long spike on its head vertically curving east, and the top centimeter is out of view, over the top of the picture. It has a mouth kind of like a snout, but not quite. Its bottom lip is four centimeters long, facing southwest. From then on it would curve slightly going into the neck, but before that there is a bump going south that is one centimeter long. After that, you have to go to the neck. Let me tell you more about the head, teeth, and mouth. It's teeth are sharp, curving into the throat. Its mouth is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex's. Its eyes are curved, looking evil. Its pupils are black, and you can only see one eye since the head is facing west. It has five teeth on the top jaw, and four on the bottom. It has a small line used as a nostril on the most western side of the skin on the mouth, and only one nostril is visible. You can't see any ears, since they are located inside the mouth, so when my dragon opens its mouth, it can hear too, as well as taste, or whatever sense it uses. Now for the neck. It swerves left and right, again and again. It has spikes going across the neck too, only on the top, like the head. Most spikes are about 0.5 centimeters long, while others are around 0.3 cm. The dragon is shaped like a regular dragon, except not chubby, more thin. My dragon has a body of a horse, while it is a completely different colour, which I'll tell you later, when we're talking about the colour. Its legs are long, about five cm. My dragon's legs are out of the picture, but they start about five centimeters down the body. The legs are one centimeter, from left to right. My dragon has a tail, which swerves like the neck, except through the legs, then back out. 8 centimeters before the end of the tail, golden spikes start showing up on the bottom part of the tail. The spikes are the same length as the other spikes, 1 or 2 centimeters left to right, and 1 centimeter up to down. My dragon has wings connected to the back 3 centimeters east of the neck. They have pencil lines drawn across the wings vertically. The base colour is forest green, except you colour over the connector or the wings with royal blue, which will make a texture that looks like its transforming. One wing is behind the front wing. You can only see one wing, and that is only 2 centimeters that you can see since it is sticking up 2 centimeters. You can see only the back of the back wing, and the back is coloured brown on both, so it is brown. Both of them are glowing yellow-green, so on the outsides of the wings you're supposed to colour a layer 1 centimeter thick, like a line. Don't forget, all of the spikes are golden, and the teeth are white!