Disco Dino Madison My dragon's name is Disco Dino. His pink head is facing left and his body is facing forward. His shoes have four platforms. The bottom one is coloured sky blue, the second is coloured hot pink, the third is colored red and the fourth is green . He has wide purple bell bottom pants with three gold peace signs on the right leg and six on the left. The shirt has no sleeves. There's a peace sign the size on a toony (a two dollar coin), that has pink. The inside lines are like a gold Eiffel Tower. The wings connect to the shirt with a red flap of skin. The wings are gold with 2 cm white lines. One of the lines is near the tip of the wing , another one is near the curve of the wing and the last line is near the silver scaly arm. He has sharp claws. His three fingers are criss-crossed with blue pen criss-cross lines. The other wing is the same. His head is like a a bird's head (long and sharp). He has pointy teeth with a small nose hole above it. He has a diamond for an eye. Half of it is coloured in the bottom half.