4 Eyes Alexandra L. Steps for drawing 4 eyes- By Alexandra Lebovits 1. Make a rectangle with the shorter part on the top and bottom and the long part going vertically on the page 2. make a mouth in the middle of the rectangle by drawing a line in the middle of the page and a semi-circle on top of the line. 3. draw triangles on the top and bottom of the mouth and color the triangles red for the teeth 4. The nose- on the top of the mouth draw a slanted L that is purple. On the bottom of the mouth make a backwards 7 that is purple. DO NOT CONNECT THE NOSES TO THE MOUTH! 5. The eyes- make one eye in each corner of the rectangle and make little eyelashes coming out of the eye. Towards the middle of eye draw one C and a backwards C on the other side. Inside the C's draw a yellow circle with a smaller red circle inside. Color the area between the C's and the yellow circle light blue. 6. Make two legs coming out of the top of the rectangle; don't draw the legs on the corner of the rectangle, but towards the middle. To draw a leg make a two short lines a short distance from each other and a small oval attached to the lines. Color the leg on the right side purple and the one on the left orange. 7. Draw two arms coming out of the bottom of the rectangle; don't draw the arms on the corner of the rectangle, but in the middle. To draw an arm make two horizontal lines a short distance from each other and make five fingers coming out of it. Color the arm on the right side purple and the one on the left purple. 8. color the rectangle green