Squareosaurus Alison Squareosaurus Have you ever wondered where all the extra food inside your dishwasher goes? Well, let me tell you about a monster named Squareosaurus. Squareosaurus lives inside your dishwasher and eats all the extra food off your dishes. The food that Squareosaurus loves most is pancakes, but she hates ketchup. Squareosaurus comes out when the dishwasher is closed and hides when it's open. Now I challenge you to try to draw Squareosaurus. The first thing you have to do is to turn the paper sideways, because Squareosaurus is very wide. Squareosaurus is a square and is about 12 cm wide and tall. Squareosaurus has a rectangle 2cm above the bottom for a mouth, which is around 6 cm wide and 2 cm tall. Inside her mouth she has 14 yellow triangular teeth on the top and also on the bottom. The back of her mouth is cherry red. Above the mouth there are 2 short elephant noses side by side that are aqua green, and are 4cm long. One curves to the left downward and one curves to the right downward. Above the noses there is a rectangle that is around 5 cm wide and 1cm tall. It is divided into 5 equal parts. The 2nd and 4th parts have 1 small square inside them, that is 2mm on each side. These squares are yellow. The 5 parts are 2 different colors. Starting from the left, parts 1, 3, and 5 are all cherry red. Parts 2 and 4 are orange around the yellow eyeballs. In the top left hand corner there is a yellow square that is 2cm tall and 1cm wide with a magenta pink button for an "on-off" button. Above the bottom it says "on" and below it, it says "off". On the very top of Squareosaurus' head there is a large yellow light bulb that is 4cm long. For arms she has 2 rectangles that are around 7 cm long and 1 cm wide with a circle shape on the end. The arms and circles are aqua green. Her wings, which are below her arms, are around 7cm wide and 3cm tall. Her wings are like bat wings and are sky blue. Last, but not least, Squareosaus is magenta pink. So if you ever see a Squareosaurus, remember, the only way to get rid of it is to show it ketchup. By Alison