Spit Fire Chasen 1. His name is Spit Fire. 2. He has a medium size circle head. 3. He has two semi circle 1 inch long and 1 inch tall mean eyes. 4. He has a yellow semi circle mouth. 5. He has two brown triangles for ears. 6. He has three yellow triangles on his head, which have fire around each one. 7. He has a red triangle nose. 8. He has purple human shapes body with 2 evil eyes and a smile with wrinkles. 9. He has brown shoulders with one green triangle on each. 10. He has big green arm with re hands with 5 yellow claws. 11. He also as 2 black triangles with red fire around them. 12. He has blue jeans with wrinkles. 13. He has red and black shoes. 14. He has a blue and purple planet under him.