Mr. Snout Megan and Andy Draw a hexagon on each side of the paper. The hexagons measure about 1''' and 4 mm apart. Then draw 1 triangle in each hexagon. The triangles measure about 1'' on each angle. Put 1 black dot in each of the triangles that you have drawn. Next draw a trapezoid that measures an inch on each side. (A trapezoid is like a long diamond). Put it in the middle. Then put a space that is about '" from the hexagon. Then put two hexagons. They measure about 1'' on each of their six sides. Put a circle about 1" in the hexagons that you just drew. Put a triangle at the end of the hexagon that you drew. They're about 1'' on each side of the face. Put a fat diamond horizontally underneath the two hexagons that are put together. It measures about 1'' on each angle. Put little triangle teeth in side. 6 on top 6 on bottom. Draw a trapezoid on each side of the head and put a long skinny trapezoid underneath the parallel. Next draw a triangle. Put the triangle underneath the trapezoids that are on each side of the head. It measures 1'' on each angle. Put a parallel underneath the triangle you've just drew. It measures exactly 2'' on the bottom, 1'' on top, and 1'' each of the sides. Put 2 parallels underneath the horizontal trapezoid. Then put 2 trapezoids underneath the 2 parallels you have just drew. Then underneath the parallels you drew a while ago. Put 2 trapezoids underneath both of them. Put a diamond in the middle of the parallel and the trapezoid that are connected. Put 1 square on each side of The diamond that you just drew. They measure exactly 1'' on each corner. Put a square underneath the squares you have just drew. They measure 1'' on each corner. Then draw a trapezoid on the left side of the square. Now draw a trapezoid on the right side of the square. Now draw a trapezoid going horizontally underneath the 2 squares. Now draw 2 trapezoids. 1 on the left and 1 on the right. Put a parallel underneath the tra