Planet Alien Burgandy My monster's name is Planet Alien. She has a planet named after her. She has a head shaped like a diamond-like star. It is green like a granny smith apple and is medium sized. Her arms are triangle like the great pyramid of Egypt. She is silver color like a dime. Her body shape is also triangle, yellow like the sun in a heat wave. Its size is big like a movie theatre. Her gender is female. She spends most of her time going to a beauty salon. Her living location is rectangle like a stack of three square blocks, red like roses, bumpy like the mountains, huge like the great wall of China. Her eyes are oval, purple like tulips and little like atoms. Her mouth is a circle, pink like cold cheeks and little as cheerios. Her teeth are triangle shaped like a perfect Christmas Tree, white like the best clouds. Her ears are square like one block, orange like a beautiful sunset and small like a crumb. Her legs are rectangle like a building, black like some lap tops are. Her favorite holiday is Halloween because she is the scariest person on the planet. Her job is a veterinarian to weird animals but they like her. She likes all seasons because she only has three. She hates having to spend money because she only likes spending it on herself.