The Grinch Robert My monster is so scary he scars of kids. The first thing I will describe is his face. Next, I will describe is he's body. Then, I will tell you about my monster. He is red, round, and bumpy. His ears are big pointy and green. His ears are as sharp as a knife. His lips are fat, red and dirty. They are as dirty as my brother's face when he gets done eating a sloppy Joe. His nose is small and black. His nose is as small as a Fly. Last but not least, His eyes are small, yellow and they glow. Then the next thing I will talk about is the rest of my monsters body. His arms, legs and feet are fat, and hairy. He is as furry as a cat. And the last thing I'm talking is about my monster. He lives in a cave. He eats fish. And he only comes out at nighttime.