Frog Grymlyn JosephG The head is the largest part of Frog Grymlyn. For the head, draw an irregular shape of a lemon. Inside the head draw two Hershey Kiss shapes near the top of the head. Draw them facing inwards at a down slant. The pupil of the eyes are like those of a snake, they are black. The outer part of the eyes are red. Points of the eyes are about a mm apart. For the nose, just draw two parentheses below the gap in between the eyes. For the mouth, draw a type of banana shape so it's kind of like a evil smile. In the top part inside the mouth, there are 11 sharp teeth. At the bottom of the mouth, there are 13 sharp teeth that are a little larger than the top teeth. The teeth are white and the inside of his mouth is red. His arms are about as long as the head, they are both coming out of the sides of his head. They are both posed inward, his arms are about a cm thick. On each arm, there are 4 claws. His legs are as long as his arms, they are also posed inward. At the end of his legs are 3 long claws and another sharp toe at the back of his foot. Coming from the bottom of the head and behind the right leg is a snake that is his tail. The snake's head is showing only on one side. Like the Grymlyn(Gremlin) the snake has the same eyes, that means shape and color, the only difference is that it is 3x smaller. The snake's mouth is open and has 5 teeth at the top and bottom. It has a slit for the nose. The skin of the monster is green.