Bird Log Kenneth I woke up one morning and heard a noise in the closet. I get out of bed. It sounded like a girl screaming so I open the door and there it was. He said he was Bird Log and screamed at me some more. I try to run away and get my baseball bat but here he comes. The monster scratches my leg and I grabbed the bat. I hit his arm and he cried a little and flew away out the window. He broke the window. This is what he looked like. His head is a green triangle with a circle at the bottom. That is his mouth. He has sharp teeth and his mouth is red. He has black hair around his mouth. His nose is two dots. His eyes look mean and they are red. He has blue horns on his head. He is fat and his body is pink and on his belly is a circle with "Die" in it. It is blue. His left hand is red for some reason. He has blue feathers on his legs and red claws for feet. You can see a car Bird log busted in the street. Can you draw Bird Log??