Zoe Sam My monsters name is Zoe. Zoe has a round head that is green. Zoe has an oval shaped body that is also green. Zoe's arms and legs are orange Zoe has two arms and legs, in normal places. The arms and legs are like dog paws. Zoe has one big oval shaped eye hat is blue. Zoe has a small orange, triangular shaped nose. My monster has straight mouth with two large teeth facing upward. Zoe's mouth is yellow. Zoe's eye, nose and mouth are in normal human spots. The monster is wearing a purple bracelet on her left arm. Zoe is wearing a blue pair of shorts, and a red shirt. Zoe has short, straight blond hair. Zoe is wearing red sneakers. Zoe has 3 freckles on each side of her face. Zoe's freckles are black.