Stone Splitz Steven Stone Splitz has a head the same size and shape as a human head. The head is on top of the body. Stone Splitz has 1 eye the is facing vertically. This eye is red. The eye is in the middle of Stone Splitz's head. He has a mouth where a human's would be with sharp pointy teeth. Stone Splitz's tongue is like a reptile's because it splits at the end. His tongue is green. Stone Splitz has two arms. Each arm splits into two arms. Now there should be 4 arms total. Those arms have 2 fingers each. The first arm connects to the sane place as a human's does, right in the shoulder blade. Stone Splitz has a long skinny body. On the bottom of Stone Splitz's body there are two legs, like a human's, those legs then each split. This means that the right leg splits into two, and so does the left. Stone Splitz now has 4 legs total. Now Stone Splitz has two toes on each of those legs. Stone Splitz's body is light brown and his head is a little bit darker than that. The legs and arms are the same color as the body. The inside of the mouth is black. Enjoy my monster, Stone Splitz.