Stinko Alex Stinko, my monster has an extreamely large skeleton head that is orange. He has green, short, spikey hair in the middle of his head The side of his head has two horns on each side of his head and they are blue with red horizontile lines going throuogh it. The horns have flower shaped flames on each horn and they are both red. He has alot of eyes with green pupils.He also has a V shaped mouth that is green with verticall lines going through it.His neck goes past his chin and he doesnt really have any shoulders, then he has two arms that are kind of short with three fingers. The fingers havegreen finger nails on each finger. In his pits is green hair with green stink coming off of it. HIs body is blue with red horizontill lines on it.One arm is on each side of his body. He has an extreamely large eye right smack dab in the middle of his chest.At the bottom of his body is three long legs hang from his body. Two legs to each side and between those legs is another leg.HIs feet are hoof shaped with red circles under the hoofed feet.Two tails on each side of his body coming up right next to his hands. HIs tails are red with green hair at the end of each tail. The green tail has stink coming off it just like the pit hair. That is what my monster looks like.