Bluey Alissa Monster My monster's name is Bluey. Hints the color of Bluey's fur. Bluey is a nice, silly monster. He is 12.2 centimeters in all. He is 8.5 centimeters wide. He has shades of blue fur. His legs are 3.7 centimeters long including his feet. His feet are 3.3 centimeters long. His arms are 3.7 centimeters long and 1.3 centimeters wide. He has 3 short stubby fingers and 1 stubby thumb on each hand. His neck is 0.5 centimeters tall and 1.3 centimeters wide. His head is 3 centimeters tall plus 1.1 centimeters for his ears, which are shades of blue also. He has eyes right next to each other, that are crossed. He has a purple nose and a squiggley black mouth. Good luck!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!! Your friend, Alissa Kretzmann