Zoey Boey Mariah My Monster's Name is Zoey Boey. He is all different colors and shapes. The head, itself, is round and on the right side of the paper. It is green with facial parts on it. The eyes are blue, round, placed where your eyes are, and there are two of them. The nose is yellow, centered, under the eyes, and round. The mouth is oval, red, it is going the long way, and it's also where your mouth is. His hair is thin, black, there are 8 of them, and they are standing up. Now, to tell you about the body. The body is a square, it attaches to the head on the right side of the body, and it is orange. The tail is sort of slanting upward, it is located on the left side of the body, and it's a brown rectangle, and it has a brown triangle on the end of the tail that is pointing out-word. There are two rectangle legs hanging down from the body that are blue. Can you draw my monster? By, Mariah