Yellow Fuzz of Sunshine Anna My monster's head is also it's body. His body is a little bigger than a tennis ball. His body is fluffy, curly and yellow. My monster's eyes are about two inches away from the top of his head. His eye on the left is a little bigger than a pencil eraser. It is white and it is a watermelon shape. Right in the middle of the ye is aline. His eye on the right is shut. It is the same size as the other eye and it looks like a hlf circle. My monster's nose is the size of a pencil eraser. It is a circle shape. It is fuzzy and green. My monster's mouth is a straight line about one inch long. It is gray. Right in the middle, at the bottom of his mouth, is his tongue. It is as lon as a sunflower seed. My monster has one fang on each side of his tongue. They are the size of a pencil tip and they are white. My monster's ears are at the top of his head. On the side they look like music notes and they are one and a half inches long. They are orange. His feet are about as long as half a crayon but a little bit smaller. His feet are about an inch wide and green. At the end of each foot are three claws about the sixe of a pencil tip. They are white.