Snowman Stacy My monster looks a lot like a snowman! My monster's body is shaped like a snowman's body. The size of the bottome circle is a little bigger than a mini Gatorade bottle. The circle in the middle of my monster is also as big as a mini Gatorade bottle.The top circle is about the size of a quarter. My monster's eyes are circles. They are black. My monster's nose is also a circle about the sze of a pencil tip. The nose is also black. My monster's mouth is five little black dots in a straight line. My monster's arms are a little smaller than a pink eraser and the arms are brown. Four of my monster's fingers are a little bigger than a centimeter long and the other two fingers are one and a half inches long. They are brown. My monster's buttons are black and about the size of a pencil eraser. My monster's hat is a real thin black oval about an inch long. The top of my monster's hat is blue and about the size of the erasers you put on the end of your pencils. The brown part in the middle of the hat is one and a half inches long.